About Me

Hi there!  My name is Erin. (Miss Mae comes from my middle name) I am the Stay-at-Home Mom to 3 amazing children who are very active and keep me on my toes daily! My oldest is a little girl who is 8, I have a little boy who is 4 and another little boy who is 15 months. I am married to an amazing man who is my best friend and who always makes me laugh! Even when I don't want to, LOL! He works hard to support our family and is one of my biggest fans! He supports me in my crafting habit (most of the time, LOL) and he's always happy to share in my enthusiasm over my newest creation! We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My husband and I are both converts and are the only members in our families... That is sometimes a challege but we wouldn't change it for the world!

I am very new to card making! I made my first card back in Feb. of 2012 and got hooked right away. My Cricut collection has grown fairly fast, LOL! (I just got my cricut in Nov. of 2011). Although card making is my favorite craft right now, I also enjoy scrapbooking, knitting hats for babies and children on my knitting looms, making headbands (I used to make hairbows as a small business) and I also sometimes enjoy sewing. I also love to bake and cook and try new recipes!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I hope you'll become a follower and I would love if you stop by to say hi! Just leave me a comment! Thanks so much!!

                                              Erin Wojcicki
