Monday, July 23, 2012

Baptism Day for Emma

My VERY good friend Stacey has a little girl who was just baptized yesterday into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!  In our Church, you must be 8 years old to be baptized.  Here is where you can go to find more about what we believe: .

Of course we had to make a card for miss Emma! 

I used Everyday Paper Dolls for the hair and hairbow and Paper Doll Dressup for the dress and shoes.

Paper is from my stash as well as the ribbon. 

The Stamp "Hooray for you!" is from Our Kids from Pink By Design. 
The face is from Peachy Keen Stamps Everyday Character Face Assortment .

It was a beautiful day!  And it was so great to see some friends that we haven't seen in a long time!!

Congratulations Emma!!!  We love you!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Have a great day!!

Someone New!

A very good friend of mine and her husband just adopted a little boy!  Yay!!  So excited for them!!  This is their first child!  She is AMAZING with children!  In the past 4 years since I have been friends with her, she has been absolutely amazing to my children!! 

A few of us (her friends) are putting together a party for the new family to welcome their new little boy and get him some much needed items like clothes, books, puzzles, toys, games... Kind of like a baby shower but not so much. 

Well, since I have 3 very active and wild children, I passed the planning onto a friend of mine who I had originally asked to help me.  (I'm really glad I passed on the planning b/c life has been ABSOLUTELY crazy busy lately and there is just no time for planning on my part.  I'm so happy Jillian is able to step up to the plate!!  Thanks Jillian!!)  Sooooo, I was at least asked to make the invites!!  Dustin LOVES anything with a motor/engine so I thought a Monster Truck would be most appropriate!  I LOVE how these invites turned out!! 

Check them out!!  I made 47!!! 

I was going to post the AWESOME wording on the inside of the invite but for privacy purposes, I am not going to do that. 

I used cricut cartridge, Boys Will Be Boys for the monster truck.  The Awesome paint splattered paper I picked up at Michael's.  I LOVE how these look!  For the stamp "You're Invited" on the front, I used Birthday Crazy from My Pink Stamper.

Hay Neigh-bor!

So, while we were at my mom's house sitting the other week, our neighbors who also happen to be our landlords, watched and took care of my daughters Guinea Pigs for us.  So, I thought it would be fun to make them a card to tell them Thank You for doing that for us and for all the other awesome things they do for us.... 

I used Creat a Critter for the horse and his cute bandana.  I used the cute Hay Neigh-bor stamp from My Pink Stamper's More Punny-licious  stamps.

Hope you enjoyed!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

PURSE-onally wishing you a Happy Birthday!

Wow, I have not posted for some time now.  We went to my mom's house to house sit and dog sit for a week and enjoyed the pool there and fenced in yard.  We also enjoyed spending some time with my Grandmother which was really nice b/c we don't see her often. 

Anyway, Back on July 9th my Aunt had a birthday...  I won't say what age, but it was a BIG 5-0!  No, she really doesn't mind b/c she is grateful for every year she is given.  I was complaining about turning 30 in Sept. and she said to not be bummed about it.  She said, "Every year is a blessing!"  She is a 2 time Cancer Survivor and a true Hero.  I love the way she turned my thinking about getting older into something happy!  She's right!  Every year....  every day, every minute is a blessing!!

Ok, so on to the card. 

I asked her what she liked and gave her a list of things and she said everything, LOL!  Not so helpful.  BUT she did tell me her favorite color is blue so I had that to work with.  Then I saw my stamp "Purse-onally wishing you a Happy Birthday from my stamp set Shop-A-holic from Pink By Design and thought of the perfect card!! 

I love the little purse stamp too!  How appropriate! 

I used my cricut cartridge, Forever Young for the purse and the paper is from my stash.... 

She really liked this card a lot!  I'm glad I was able to make her one and PURSE-onally give it to her at a picnic we had at my dad's house...  complete with a surprise birthday cake for her too!  It was a really fun day!


Thanks for stopping by!! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wow, a lot of card making!!

I just finished making 47 invitations for a party for a friend!  It took me about 3 days since I have 3 children and cannot work around the clock!  They look so cool!!  I will post photos later today or tomorrow! 

I hope everyone's week is great so far!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Father's Day (A little late!)

I hope my dad doesn't check my blog before Saturday, LOL! 
He checked it the other day and saw my card for my Step-Father and I guess he thought I didn't have a card for him...  Silly dad!!  Of course I did/do! 

We're going to my dad's this saturday for a picnic so I wanted to save some money on postage and give him the cards in person (His b-day was in April and honestly, at the time I didn't have a b-day card...  things have been BEYOND nuts here and it just got over looked.  I'm a poopie daughter....  ) 

I believe he knows I think the world of him!  We talk almost every single day and during the school year when I HAVE to be up early, we DO talk every single morning!  I love it!!! 

Anyway, here are the cards!

 For the above card, I used A Child's Year for the cut.  My dad LOVES to garden!  His garden is his baby!  He has a BEAUTIFUL English Garden in his back yard and then he has a large vegetable garden as well as some fruit trees and some corn.  My dad's favorite colors are green and yellow/gold so I thought I'd tie them both into the card.  This one is the card I made for Father's day!

This card (above) I made for my dad's birthday.  As I said, he LOVES to garden!!  So, of course I had to make another gardening card.  I'm kind of limited with my garden cuts so this was the only other option really...  I thought it was fun though and he might get a kick out of it!  Funny thing is, he doesn't wear overalls but I thought it looked best!! 

For this card, I used Everyday Paper Dolls.
As usual, I used these stamps from Peachy Keen Stamps!  (The only "people face" set I have, ha!!).  I used a jelly roll pen for the whites of the eyes and no chalk on the cheeks since this is a man!  I hope my dad enjoys it and doesn't think it's TOO silly!  We'll see, haha!!

Anyway, thanks again for stopping by!!  I hope you enjoy!!

Have a great evening!!

Happy Birthday Aza and Morgan!!!

My neighbor's grandaughters have birthdays that are just 1 day apart.  They are sisters and they are 3 years apart!!  How crazy is that?! 

I thought it would be fun......  to make them each a card, OF COURSE!!!

Once again, I used my Everyday Paper Dolls cartridge to make the fun little birthday girl for their cards! 

 Morgan turned 2 and Aza turned 5....  or, I should say they WILL BE turning 2 and 5.
As I mentioned, I used Everyday Paper dolls to cut the girls and their accesories...
Aza's favorite color is yellow (at least the last time I checked it was, haha) and I'm not sure about Morgan's so I just went with what I thought was cute and fun! 

I used Everday Character Faces for the faces (This is my only "person" face set from Peachy Keen Stamps...  I have to get more!).  I did the whites of the eyes with a jelly roll pen and the cheeks with some chalk.

For the ages on their cards, I used Birthday Bash.

For the hair on Aza's doll, I used Paper Doll Dressup. 

All the papers are ones that I had in my stash!  (I have a GIANT stash of paper...  I'm a little obsessed, haha!)

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the cards!! 

Happy Birthday Emma!!!

Hello and Happy Thursday!  I don't get much time to make cards and post so it's usually a day of card making and then a day of posting...  LOL!  That's life with 3 Children! 

One of my closest friends (Hi Stacey!!) has a little girl turning 8 years old on the 9th.  Since I began card making, I've become a lot more attentive to birthdays of everyone I know and not just family!  I LOVE card making and any excuse to make a card is ok with me.  Not only that but I LOVE Stacey and her family!!!  We have been friends for just about 8 years and she has shared in some of the most sacred, special and amazing times in my life such as my taking lessons with the Missionaries, my Baptism, my first time going through the Temple and my Wedding in the Temple to my wonderful husband!  She is a wonderful friend and an amazing person... we have had our share of ups and downs but in the end, we pick up right where we left off without skipping a beat!  I am happy to say that I am blessed enough to have a friend just like that in my life.

Ah, now on to the card..  Sorry for the sappiness, LOL!!! 

Emma LOVES Purple!  She also loves Wizards of Waverly Place but I don't have a cartridge with that on it and I don't even know if there is one like that out there..  Hmmmm.... 

This is a very Purple Card, LOL!  I have been hooked on my Paper Dolls Cartidges lately and this little Birthday Girl cut is just so fun!!!  I have now used it 4 times in a week, LOL!!! 

So, as I mentioned above, I used one of my Paper Dolls Cartridges.  I used Everyday Paper Dolls.  The card base and 2 layers are all from Papertrey Ink.  I LOVE their paper.  The cardstock is super sturdy and makes AWESOME card bases and all the cardstock can be matched to their papers!  It's wonderful!  The dress, Icecream cone, shoes, bows and balloon are all from paper I have in my stash. 

Inside, I stamped it with "Make a Wish!" and "Happy Birthday" which are both from my Birthday Crazy stamp  set from My Pink Stamper.

I also used Everyday Character Faces Assortment from Peachy Keen Stamps for the sweet face.  As usual, I used a jelly roll pen for the whites of the eyes and I chalked the cheeks!

I hope you enjoyed the card.  I had so much fun putting it together for sweet Emma and I hope she just loves it!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!!! 

Have a great day everyone!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy 4th of July Birthday Jordyn!!

Here is a card I made for my little cousin Jordyn.  She will be 5 on the 4th of July!  She's not really a girly girl...  My mom said her cake was actually Disney Cars but unfortunately, I don't have a Disney Cartridge... YET! 

So, I decided to make her a card that tied in the 4th of July!  I hope my Aunt and Uncle like it and I hope it makes Jordyn smile! 

Here we go:
I used A Child's Year Cricut Cartridge for the child riding a firecracker!  The paper is from my stash and the "Make A Wish" sentiment, as well as the inside sentiment "Have the best birthday ever!" are both from Birthday Crazy from My Pink Stamper! 

Hope you enjoy!  Thanks for stopping by!! 

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!

Yesterday my daughter went to a friend's birthday party.  She turned 9 and they had a joint party between her and her little brother (I believe he was turning 3).  It was a really cool party!!  They had vintage looking "cars" for everyone to sit in (there were 2 REALLY big cars and they each had 3 or 4 rows in them) and they had them in their garage.  They watched a movie on the garage wall kind of like a drive in movie and they had a "concession stand" where they had soft pretzels, popcorn, cotton candy, candy, etc.!!  VERY cool!!!  Their mom did an AWESOME job and put a LOT of time and effort into this party!  My daughter had a GREAT time!  At the end, they had a photo booth and everyone needed a partner to get a picture with.  Unfortunately, my daughter didn't have one.  My husband was there to pick her up so he got in the photo with her.  I LOVE this!  I am using their photo strip as my book mark now b/c I just absolutely love the photo! 

The REALLY cool thing about the party was, this little girl decided that she didn't want gifts this year but instead, she wanted everyone to bring a book to donate to the NICU.  She and her brother were both NICU babies and I think this was such a generous and very awesome idea!!!  How special she is for thinking of something like that!!  Great job Lindsay!

Well, we couldn't go to the party without having a birthday card could we?!  Soooo, we picked out some fun colors to make a fun and cute card for Lindsay!  Lindsay LOVES icecream!  In fact, in one of my older posts, we made a card for Lindsay with an icecream cone on it to thank her for being a great friend to my daughter.  I LOVE this Birthday card we made.  It's so fun and bright!!  I hope it brought a smile to her face!! 

Here's the card:
For the girl, I used Everyday Paper Dolls.  For the Hair, I used Paper Doll Dress Up.  The Ballon and the Icecream cone are also from Everyday Paper Dolls.  The ribbon and paper are from my stash.  For the face, I used Everyday Character Face Assortment from Peachy Keen stamps and added white to the eyes with a jelly roll pen as well as adding some chalks to her cheeks!  For her hair, and the icecream cone, I decided to accent them both a little buy going around the edges with a marker in a similar color.  I really love how it looks on her hair. 
For the 100% sweet sentiment, I used Sweet Goodness from My Pink Stamper.  Inside, the sentiment is "Have a totally sweet birthday!" from the same stamp set.

I really love how this card turned out and all the bright colors! 

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you have a great day!!